STOP! Don't hit that "EASY BUTTON" ... The results are only temporary! I don't know about you but I prefer to lose the weight/inches ONCE not pay boocoos of $$ every time I gain it back, just to try another FAD! And honestly I prefer not to live on one real meal a day, I enjoy food too much! Our bodies NEED fuel(good calories) so bragging about a shake having the least amount of calories really means nothing to me personally. I also do not want to pack my body full of soy protein & aspartame while claiming not to even work out! Sounds healthy right? hmm... Sorry but you can't truly get toned w/out working out...if you could, well simply put there wouldn't be a world full of obese people. If these "easy" fixes truly worked on lazy people needing a quick fix, well...don't you think we'd have a whole lot less obesity in America? The truth is, there is NO EASY BUTTON ... nothing can replace exercise & clean healthy eating! If you sit on the couch and eat potato chips and snack cakes...any way you look at it, wrapped up in saran wrap to squeeze away the water weight inches or not, you will still be at the same health & fitness level as when you sat down and started feeding your body junk! If you want to get rid of the water weight you put on your body from feeding it junk....there are many options for you, water pills, wraps, grapefruit diets, the list of fads goes on... and on...If you are ready to change your life & start fueling your body with the foods it needs, build muscle so your body will burn the fat, lower your cholesterol & blood pressure among other health changes you will see and you need the motivation & support to DO's what I have to offer!
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