The thing about diets is that any "diet" you adopt for some specific purpose(e.g. "I will eat a low-carb diet until I have lost 20 pounds" or "I will reduce my intake of fat and sugar until my cholesterol levels improve") is that you're assuming your "diet" is temporary, and at some point (after reaching your goal) you can "go back" to eating "
junk! normally". Well, if eating "normally" resulted in your current physical condition, what do you think will happen when you resume eating that way? Hence the failure of most diets. The only way a diet is going to work for you permanently is if it can become your PERMANENT ROUTINE, i.e. the way you eat for the rest of your life! LIFESTYLE CHANGE is what I'm talking about. So, who can follow a low-carb diet or a coconut diet or a no-sugar-or-fat-or-anything tasty diet or eat supplements and prepackaged meals FOREVER? No one. If you are ready to take that first step in your lifestyle change, message me & we'll get you on the right track! I'd love to be your coach & be with you on this journey to a healthier YOU! or email me click on TAKE THE BEACHBODY CHALLENGE
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