I like both of these products a lot. However, I will be using Beachbody’s E&E for several reasons:
1) Cost: Beachbody’s E&E is $29.95 for 30 servings and is available with free shipping if you do a monthly autoship program (comes automatically every 30 days). PreRace is only 20 servings for $39.95 with no free shipping option. In addition, as a Beachbody Coach, I get an additional 25% off of the price of E&E. You can find out more about being a coach and getting 25% off by messaging me on Facebook! www.facebook.com/crystalbuckholley
2) The Jitters: I simply don’t get that jittery, shaking feeling with E&E that I do with PreRace. E&E just feels like smooth, solid energy.
3) Performance: The performance effect is essentially the same if not better for E&E.
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