Sunday, July 15, 2012

Reset Day 7

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24  I woke up this morning a little earlier than normal on Sunday mornings b/c our service time changed at church!(Which was awesome btw!  My Daddy gave a great lesson this morning & we sang out of our new books that came in last week!!)  So we had to be there 30 minutes earlier AND I had to actually sit down to EAT my breakfast (normally I drink my Shakeology on Sunday mornings in the car on the way to church!)  I stumbled in the kitchen, took my supplements & headed for the shower...after that my 30 minutes had passed & I was ready to eat breakfast.    I am on a major oatmeal & fruit kick if you can't tell!  ...well that's over!!  I enjoyed my last bowl of oatmeal that I was allowed for the next 2 weeks!  YIKES! So I will be having fresh fruit for breakfast, with an occasional Shakeology, I'm allowed to have 1/2 a scoop during Phase 2 & 3.  I'm used to taking a full scoop but I'm pretty sure 1/2 is better than getting none!!!  I am having serious Shakeology cravings here people!:)   I did get my "fix" tonight tho, thanks to an amazing friend I got my hands on some Tropical Strawberry Shakeology(vegan) which I AM allowed to have.  I'm also planning to grab some of the NEW vegan chocolate ShakeO that came out recently while I'm in town this week......heads up Jess if you are reading this I need a scoop or two!  Ok, so I have to apologize I didn't get a picture for ya at lunch...I was too busy keeping up with my kiddos at my Nana's house to snap a picture of my food before I ate it!  But just to fill you in, here's a recap of my meals today!

Breakfast - yummy as always 1 cup oatmeal & 1 cup fresh strawberries.
Lunch - HUGE salad with vinaigrette dressing & carrots(the family had pot roast with carrots & potatoes) and I also had some cantaloupe & watermelon!  Not an EXACT meal from Phase 1 but I do still have a life so I made due with what I had & I didn't cheat so I'm still happy!!
Supper - thanks to my sweet friend Jalynn I was able to have Tropical Strawberry Shakeology with water, ice & berries....and a TINY amount of cranberry juice(no sugar added) which is also allowed in Phase 1 :)

I've noticed I'm less & less achy each this coming week is looking great!!  I start on DETOX tomorrow, I still take all the other supplements I just add this one in for Phase 2.  I will weigh in tomorrow morning for week one!!!!  

I am planning to put a pot of pinto beans in the crock pot in the morning, and dinner tomorrow night will be pinto beans & brown rice with steamed zucchini and green beans..YUM!  Breakfast is a fruit plate(low glycemic choices) and lunch will be a salad!  Time for a bubble bath with Epsom salt to relax & then off to get some more beauty sleep!

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