Shakeology is hands down the healthiest meal of the day, and for good reason. That’s actually THE reason Shakeology costs what it does. It’s not the healthiest meal of the day for nothing. It’s the highest quality meal replacement shake on the market. So Shakeology still had an expense. But is Shakeology too expensive? That was my big set back, and I was the only one that could get me past that set back. If you’re reading this article, I would assume this is a big set back for you too. Well, nothing I say will change that. But let me tell you what helped me. After tons of research, I was convinced that Shakeology was worth the expense, especially considering all the nutritional and health benefits of the shake. But I had to convince myself, that part of me that said, “Are you really going to spend $4 dollars a day on Shakeology?” Here’s what I did:
I had to change my way of thinking, and so do you. When you buy a $5 value meal at McDonald’s, you don’t think about the price. When you buy a $4 Starbucks coffee, or energy drink at a gas station, you don’t think about price. When you buy donuts on a Saturday morning, you don’t think about price. Not to mention, all of those things are crap. They do NOTHING for your health, and have no nutritional value whatsoever. So why do we hesitate on the $4 for Shakeology that is jam packed with nutritional value. We have to change our way of thinking. Sure you don’t notice the $5 here, and the few bucks there, but its adding up. I think when we look at the month supply, 30 MEALS, and see a price tag of $119, we second guess ourselves. But its a month supply! Take it off your grocery money, after all, its 30 less meals you have to buy. Maybe you don’t think you spend $119 on junk food per month, maybe you don’t. But chalk the rest up for being healthy. Because I guarantee, you’ll feel better, go to the doctor less, and live longer. That is worth the price in my book, and in the long run, you SAVE big time!
What could you cut from your daily or monthly budget that would off set your expense? First of all, if you’re thinking about Shakeology, then nutrition, or the “idea” of improving your nutrition must be on your mind. So you can cut things like fast food. You don’t need that type of food anyway. Cut out pop, diet drinks, and wasted empty calories those things bring. Cut our junk food from your grocery list. No ice cream, cake, cookies, chips, JUNK. Cut out some of your frivolous spending. You know most of us have some wasted dollars floating around that we can cut back on. But please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not telling you how to spend your money, or budget your money. I’m simply asking you, How important is your health? When you’re feeling great, no worries right? But what about when you get sick, or you hear about a friend getting sick, or life altering disease. That’s when you vow to make changes. Let’s be proactive here. Bottom line: Don’t let the expense stop you, when you know that there are things you can do to make your health a priority, and it should be. Most of you have been to a grocery store lately too. Prices are expensive there too.
Check out the ingredient list & see if you could even come CLOSE trying to gather it all yourself at your local health food store for the same price! ... not possible, it's been tried before! (Seriously, I've seen reciepts!) and see what the Dr's are saying about Shakeology! I know you're gonna love it!
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